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ImageThe Johann Wolfgang Goethe University hospital is the major clinical complex in Germany carrying out health care and medical treatment, medical research and teaching. The University hospital includes 26 medical departments covering almost every area of medicine. Additional 26 medical centres and institutes are primarily dedicated to research.  There are more then 4000 of medical personnel employed in the University hospital. Close collaboration of clinics and research centres provides medical services on top-quality medical service.  Be it diagnosis or therapy the patient can be certain, that offered medical services meets a very high international medicine standards. Please visit the web site of the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University hospital for further information.

ImageSt.-Elisabethen-Krankenhaus in Frankfurt on the Main - the main field of the hospital are oncological diseases of gastrointestinal tract. Furthermore successfully treated are diseases of urogenital system as well as gynaecological and neurological diseases. Medical doctors and scientists of St.-Elisabethen hospital are nationally and internationally renowned for their research work.
ImageCardiological complex Bad Nauheim consists of surgical and rehabilitation clinics. The most famous of them is the Kerckhoff Klinik. More than 2500 heart surgeries will be performed there by wold-famous cardeosurgeons. Detailed information to the Kerckhoff Klinik you can find on its web site .

ImageThe University hospital of Heidelberg is internationally known for its focus areas: oncology and paediatrics. In the direct vicinity to the hospital is its co-operation partner located - the Europe-wide famous German Cancer Research Center (Deutsche Krebsforschungszentrum, DKFZ).
ImageThe ATOS clinic in Heidelberg is a in Germany leading clinic on the field of orthopaedic-traumatologic surgery. The doctors of the ATOS Clinic unite outstanding professional competence and profound knowledge. In the fields of orthopaedic surgery, joint surgery, sports traumatology, accident surgery, endoprostheses, intervertebral disc and spinal column surgery the clinic has set new standards in modern medical care and is a leader on these fields in Germany.
ImageThe focus of the Max Grundig Clinic is the VIP-patients all over the world. The clinic stands out due its very comfortable apartments with delightful atmosphere that can fulfil highest demands. It also has excellent medical infrastructure and offers treatment according to the latest achievement of the medicine. The Max Grundig Clinic offers diagnostics and therapies almost in all areas. The Max Grundig clinic as one of the first clinics in Germany received the award "Committed to Excellence" by the European foundation for quality management in Juli 2005.
ImageThe City Clinic of Baden-Baden is clinical complex of three clinics located in one of the Germany’s most famous health resorts - Baden-Baden. The clinic complex offers comprehensive medical care with following main fields in diagnostic and treatment: gastrointestinal tract, gynaecology, oncology, surgery and urology. There are also specialized paediatric and obstetric departments in the clinic.
ImageThe German Heart Institute Berlin (Deutsches Herzzentrum Berlin, DHZB) is a one of the oldest in Germany specialist centre for heart treatment with a worldwide reputation for excellence. All heart surgeries will be performed there including cardiac transplantation. There is the Russian speaking medical personnel in the DHZB. Due to permanent extensive research work on the cardiological field the German Heart Institute Berlin always offers to its patients access to innovation earlier than others.
ImageThe Dr. Baumstark Clinic in Bad Homburg was grounded as a centre for rehabilitation, medical follow-up treatment (AHB) and preventative health care in the areas of orthopaedics and internal medicine with following fields: diseases of gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system as well as neurological, urological diseases. The clinic has wide experience with patients from Russia. 
ImageThe Alpha medical tourism is a medical consulting company that operates according to the medical codes of ethics of the State of Israel. This company represents IDTDC in the Middle East.
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